Hoje olho para trás e lembro-me exactamente o que fiz à um ano a trás. Sim, um ano.E agora são só memorias intensas. Foi um ano cheio de emoções fortes...
Estou feliz por todas essas experiências e memorias que fizeram de mim aquilo que sou hoje.
Foi durante esse ano que encontrei aquilo que sou e o que quero ser; encontrei a minha salvação, conheci pessoas espetaculares e extremamente relevantes para mim; e ainda fortaleci relacionamentos com pessoas que já conhecia antes.
Não quero mencionar nomes (pois seriam bastantes), mas apenas quero agradecer a todos aqueles que estiveram comigo ao longo destes 12 meses.
Obrigado por tudo o que me ensinaram e por me terem dado a oportunidade de ensinar-vos algo.
Ontem estava a sentir-me como se tivesse a viver o meu ultimo de vida, mas hoje também não me sinto como se fosse o primeiro...
Que venham mais anos e décadas.
Today I look back and remember exactly what I did one year ago. Yes, one year.
And now its only intense memories. It was a year full of strong emotions ...
And now its only intense memories. It was a year full of strong emotions ...
I'm glad that all these experiences and memories made me who I am today.
It was during that year I found what I am and what I want to be, I found my salvation, I met amazing people that are extremely relevant to me, and has strengthened relationships with people who already knew before.
I do not want to mention names (because there are a lot), but just want to thank all those who were with me during these 12 months.
Thank you for everything you taught me and for giving me the opportunity to teach you something.
Yesterday I was feeling like I had to live my last life, but today I do not feel like the first ...
Anyway ...
Bring on more years and decades.
It was during that year I found what I am and what I want to be, I found my salvation, I met amazing people that are extremely relevant to me, and has strengthened relationships with people who already knew before.
I do not want to mention names (because there are a lot), but just want to thank all those who were with me during these 12 months.
Thank you for everything you taught me and for giving me the opportunity to teach you something.
Yesterday I was feeling like I had to live my last life, but today I do not feel like the first ...
Anyway ...
Bring on more years and decades.
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