Já alguma vez ouviramalguma banda pela primeira vez e sentiram que a musica que tocava era a tradução de todos os vossos sentimentos e gostos musicais?
Bem, isto aconteceu-me ontem à noite quando estava a ver o meu update da Tooth and Nail.
Encontrei estes rapazes com uma sonoridade pesada com influencias de punk e uma vertente muito melódica e ambiance.
Fiquei extasiado perante a subtileza das letras sem qualquer vergonha, e o video tinha uma abordagem artística muito simples e forte de um conceito transversal e comum a milhares de pessoas.
Após o visionamento deste video e a audição das musicas que colocaram no myspace tive mesmo de os colocar na minha lista de bandas favoritas.
Did you ever heard a band for the first time and felt like the music that they were playing was nothing but the translation of all your feelings and musical taste?
Well, that happened to me yesterday wile I was washing my Tooth and Nail update.
I found this dudes with a heavy sound a little bit influenced by punk rock and a really good melodic side.
I was rapt with this shameless lyrics, and the video was just awesome.
Now I think they are one more band in my favorite bands list.
RAILER VS. TORNADO You speak of grace like you've seen it...your precious blood begins to boil over...and we will never be the same again now that i've got your attention...the plastic parts of people melt away...a blowing wind..it changes my position..but theres just something about facing our fears today this won't take long..using words you feel are true..keep building the love...the beauty above me breathes out loud..as i learn to indulge in you... the feeling of the wind as it touches my skin...just one of my addictions...well i made it my home but woke up alone...cause i created this myself..i'll hopefully be close enough..with a better understanding.... honestly i'll never be the same again..but im trying..i tried to be something im not..in the end...i'll never be the same again...
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