Este fim de semana foi genial!
Tive desde a noite de sexta-feira de volta do video dos Cast a Fire.
Os meus amigos todos gostaram imenso de participar.
Os meus amigos todos gostaram imenso de participar.
Foi mesmo brutal nem tenho palavras para agradecer ao pessoal, principalmente Suz por todo o seu esforço, eu acho incrivel como ela mesmo estando gravida concegue ser melhor que a wonder woman e ainda estar a participar connosco no video.
Os Irmãos Mira tambem, tou bué grato por todo o tempo empenho e dedicação que foi e ainda está a ser investido neste projecto. O seisemeia tambem deve ter sofrido bastante a filmar aqueles planos todos... Tambem o pessoal super corajoso, que se calhar são muito inesperientes na representação mas desemopenharam papeis fantásticos e acho que não poderia ter sido melhor. Também a todos os que eu não conheço mas disponibilizaram o seu dia para estar conosco e ajudar-nos.
E claro os responsáveis pelo teatro, que estiveram conosco e abriram as suas portas para nós.
Deus os abençoe a todos mesmo!
Hoje à tarde os meus amigos prepararam-me uma festa surpresa! Não poderia ter sido melhor.
Este aniversário dos 19, pareceu um conto de fadas onde tudo é perfeito.
Eu sei que escrevi imenso mas todas estas palavras não são suficientes para descrever a minha gratidão e alegria.
Muito obrigado a todos!
This weekend was great!
Since friday night preparing Cast a Fire video.
All my friends loved to participate.
It was brutal, I don't even have words to thank the every one, especially Suz for all the effort, I find it amazing how even when pregnant eventually able to be better than the wonder woman and still be with us to participate in the video.
The Mira brothers, I'm realy grateful for all the time, commitment and dedication that was and still is being invested in this project. Seisemeia also must have suffered enough to shoot evreything... Also the super brave people, that perhaps are very inexperienced in the representation but desemopenharam fantastic roles and it could not have been better. Also to every one that I don't know but they took all the day to be with us and help us out.
Since friday night preparing Cast a Fire video.
All my friends loved to participate.
It was brutal, I don't even have words to thank the every one, especially Suz for all the effort, I find it amazing how even when pregnant eventually able to be better than the wonder woman and still be with us to participate in the video.
The Mira brothers, I'm realy grateful for all the time, commitment and dedication that was and still is being invested in this project. Seisemeia also must have suffered enough to shoot evreything... Also the super brave people, that perhaps are very inexperienced in the representation but desemopenharam fantastic roles and it could not have been better. Also to every one that I don't know but they took all the day to be with us and help us out.
Of course those responsible for the theater, who were with us and opened their doors to us.
God bless you all!
This afternoon my friends prepared me a surprise party! It could not be better.
This 19 anniversary, seemed like a fairy tale where everything is perfect.
I know I wrote a lot but all these words are not enough to describe my gratitude and joy.
Thank you all!
God bless you all!
This afternoon my friends prepared me a surprise party! It could not be better.
This 19 anniversary, seemed like a fairy tale where everything is perfect.
I know I wrote a lot but all these words are not enough to describe my gratitude and joy.
Thank you all!
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